Caution if there are elderly people at home or the patient is bedridden

Last updated: 14 Jul 2023  |  993 Views  | 

Caution if there are elderly people at home or the patient is bedridden

If there are elderly people at home Or the patient is lying in bed!!️
There may be some risks that you should be aware of as follows:
. The occurrence of pressure sores from lying still for a long time.
causing local destruction of the skin or subcutaneous tissue Necrosis and wounds formed. It mostly occurs in the bony prominences such as the heel, coccyx, side of the hip, etc.
Difficulty swallowing
Because the muscles of the face and mouth are weak, there is a problem with chewing. and unable to control the direction of movement of the tongue, causing coughing and choking easily
. Cleanliness
cleansing the body and excretion It is an important factor that caregivers should not ignore. Especially patients who have a urinary catheter inserted inside the body. because it increases the chance of infection easily
mental health conditions
Elderly or bedridden patients will be bored and suffering arises where caregivers can find activities Let's do it together with patients. to relax and reduce sadness can make good mental health

Cr.Paolo Hospital

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